I'm considered
an intellectual,
I wear glasses
and an artist, because
my movies
don't bring
Both are wrong.

known as Woody Allen, was born in New York City in December 1935. The boy was a baseball player, played basketball, won medals in track and field, and earned a reputation for his innate sense of humor.
Woody wrote jokes for the school paper, wrote jokes for the tabloids. and made more money than Mom and Dad combined.
A good joke had a price,
and by the time he was 20, Allen was making $6,000 a month.
Heywood Allen Stewart Konigsberg,

I was discovered by producers who urgently needed
a writer for a new comedy. Allen was a good fit
The jokes are mine
were good
and a lot of money
I didn't ask.
In 1965, he made a name for himself in Hollywood
with his debut feature, "What's New, Pussycat?"
and four years later he made his first independent movie "Grab the money and run",
in which he also played the lead role.
a habit.
«what's new, kitty?»
«grab the money and run»
«annie hall»
«annie hall»
Here he first appeared on the screen as the whole world would see him for the next fifty years,
— a flimsy neurotic
and a convinced pessimist who sees danger around every corner, when in fact he's having the best of luck.
Further Allen took the whole process of making movies in his own hands: he wrote the scripts, filmed them and participated as an actor.

Allen preferred to play himself. Perhaps it was narcissism. Maybe he didn't trust anyone. But, most likely, he simply realized that all these movies were about him.
on all counts:
At one of the speeches
In most of his best pictures
1980 is becoming a golden time

Diane Keaton has become an icon of a generation, and  the director's career skyrocketed.
From the very first pictures in the work of Allen began to trace a signature directorial style:
is an intellectual comedy with elements of psychological drama, absurdity and satire.
With «Annie Hall», the director began his turn from comedy
to a deeper drama
and a new quality of humor.
No one had ever made a movie like this
no one had ever made
before Woody.
New York

is not just an entourage. It is one of the main characters. A huge city, against the background of which a small, unassuming hero paradoxically stands out.
In Woody's work, this town is —
The movie is bursting with quotes,
«Hannah and her sisters»
«Everyone Says I Love You»
«Нью-йорские истории»
Thanks to Allen, couples in love began to be filmed at the Queensboro Bridge from strictly one angle.
New Yorkers have taken notice of small bookstores,
and tourists can take walking tours of the movie sets.
«Love and Death»
«The Purple Rose of Cairo»

to be found once a week in the café at the Carlyle Hotel, where he performs with the Eddie Davis Jazz Team.
In 1978, he did not go to the Oscar ceremony, not yet knowing, of course, that he would receive there three statuettes, because of the rehearsal with the orchestra:
«I've got an orchestra,
I play at the jazz club
on Mondays.»‎
Woody's most famous eccentricity —

a principled refusal to attend the Oscars, for which he sometimes nominated.
These days, the director was always busy because he was playing jazz at his favorite New York club (he took the pseudonym after the famous clarinetist Woody Hermann).
In the end, all four of the statuettes Allen won went in the mail
to his relatives
the maestro himself didn't want to clutter his house with
this stuff.
Allen himself is guaranteed
A record-breaker

in Allen's environment can cause a panic attack. Woody Allen suffers from panophobia, which is the sum total of all possible phobias in the world.
Allen is horrified at the sight of bright "acid" colors (so the color scheme of his paintings is relatively calm).
The director is intimidated by large animals, peanut butter, and the very process of smearing it on a sandwich,
and Allen doesn't like elevators and never rides in them alone, and when he's in an elevator, he imagines
the floor of the elevator
disappears, and he falls
into a dark, bottomless pit.
«There must have been,
something like this
must have happened
in my childhood.»
Virtually any change
a still from Ingmar Bergman’s «The Seventh Seal»,
of which voody allen was a great admirer
- I can't stand marriage. I'm sad with you.
I'm suffocating, I don't feel spiritually connected. You don't satisfy me physically, for God's sake, Allan, don't take it on your own account.
- Okay, I won't. I'm just gonna kill myself
with myself.
still and quote from the movie «Play it again, Sam!»
Despite some oddities
in communication and various phobias,
Woody has always been

with women
The actor met his first wife
at an amateur jazz concert: Woody played the saxophone, and his future wife Harlene Rosen
- on piano.
Allen's new favorite was actress Louise Lasser. She was also the director's muse. He cast her in several of his films.
Woody Allen's longest and most high-profile relationship with actress Mia Farrow. They were together for more than 10 years.
Woody Allen and Louise Lasser in the movie «Bananas»
Woody Allen and Diane Keaton in the movie «Manhattan»
Woody Allen and Diane Keaton on the set of the movie «Annie Hall»
Woody Allen and Louise Lasser
Allen's romance with actress Diane Keaton —
the case when a stormy passion transformed into a strong friendship
and creative
The relationship with Mia was special: for the longest time, they lived in separate apartments on opposite sides of Central Park.
Mia had many foster children. At one point she was in for an unpleasant shock:
she found evidence of Woody's cohabitation
with her daughter
Soon-Yi Preven.
Woody Allen with his wife Mia Farrow and children
Soon-Yi Prewen
Вуди всегда пользовался
у женщин.
What an awful situation for you!
It's the beginning of the property division
and a child custody case. The court does not find enough evidence to charge Allen with molesting Dylan,
but the sole custody of the children is still given to Farrow — as Allen believes, because of the Sun-Yi Previn scandal.

that her director husband Woody Allen is having an affair with her adopted daughter Soon-Yi Preven and simultaneously accuses Allen of molesting their common adopted daughter, seven-year-old Dylan.
The only thing I am guilty of is falling in love with Miss Farrow's grown-up daughter, and, painful as it may be, neither me nor the children deserve such retribution.
Woody and Sun got married in the late 90's and are still married today.
Woody Allen with his wife Soon-Yi Previn and children
They have two adopted daughters, Beshe and Manzie, named after jazz musicians Sidney Beshe and Manzie Johnson.
For another 10 years Allen makes movies in America, but soon says the sacramental phrase
«I'm tired, I'm leaving.»
— and moves
to London.
Mia Farrow discovers
It's a scandal!
In Europe, Allen was always loved just as much, if not more, than he was in America, which gave him a reason to make jokes:
«Maybe foreign audiences like me better because my movies are better in translation than in the
in the original?».
Beginning in 2005 and filmed in London, Woody Allen's Match Point is a  ten-year break from his native soil.
Instead of the adored New York, he starts shooting the great European capitals:
«Wonder Wheel»
«Match Point»
«Midnight in Paris»

is the most important feature of Allen's work. Allen's comedies should be listened to rather than watched.
They are filled with witticisms, innuendos, all sorts of references and parodic interpretations that assume knowledge of context.
For example, in Midnight in Paris, Woody portrays geniuses in a parodic and caricatured way.
Hemingway is deadly serious and speaks mostly in pathos slogans.
Daly continually spouts nonsense about the shape of rhinos and seems incapable of maintaining a coherent dialog.
Picasso is sullen, sullen, surly, unfriendly.
and somewhat suspicious.
a still from the set of
«Vicky Cristina Barcelona»
«Midnight in Paris»
«A Rainy Day in New York»
a still from the set of «Midnight in Paris»
«Café Society»
«Café Society»
«Café Society»
Dialogue with the culture of the past
Only after a long time did
will be the scene of his films
Luna Park in Coney Island is an amusement park where the movie «Wonder Wheel» was filmed
Where to start
«Midnight in Paris» allows you to see all the key elements of Allen's directorial style. The only exception is that the reflective intellectual is not played by Allen, as usual, but his alter ego, Owen Wilson.
«Coup de chance»
Diane Keaton in the title role! And, of course, the movie was a turning point from the "eccentric" period to the "Bergman" period: the further the comedy turned into a psychological drama, laughter dissolved into sadness and the voice of a new author sounded more and more clearly.
Woody Allen will make his 50th anniversary movie in 2023. Paris, present day. Two old friends start a romantic relationship. Gradually this leads to infidelity and then to murder.
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The end.
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